windows live writer =)

Love you WLW!!

Today, for the first time i’ m using windows live writer (wlw) as my working space to prepare my entry in rexienerra’s .

picture that i took using ‘snagit’1-11-2010 7-00-34 PM

It is damn easy to use wlw compared to the working space provided by blogspot. As for SNAGIT im still working on it to maximize its usage for blogging.

Don’t get me wrong, i’ m not saying that the working space provided by blogspot is not good, its just that wlw comes in handy when there is no internet connection.

Overall, wlw comes in handy especially for bloggers that are really active in blogging .They sometimes prepare tutorial type of entry and always need to update their blog content. One of the blog that i know is Jom PHP (blog that really helps me with my blogging stuffs).  Which if  i’ m not mistaken one of the author is my senior, imad or usually known in blogging world as eins.

So now,  i want to thank Jom PHP for their brilliant entry about my blogging work station (cyberfly) ;p

Actually, there are much more wlw advantages besides what i have written here. I think if you want to know the excitement of using wlw start to install one ya!

Perhaps, some of you already use wlw far more earlier than me, so please feel free to drop your comments of the tricks in using wlw creatively =)


-actually, baru je balik dari kelas, tapi sbb excited sangat nak gune wlw, terus terkam lappy aku lalallala ;p ~

-oh ya, dely, if bace ni, dulu hang pernah bg aku care cne nk cri gune wlw kan, thanks kt ko gak tuk dulu, tpi dulu takleyh2 nk install, bru ni buleyh.hehehe..papepon THANKS  A LOT senpai ;p


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Ilham Liyana said...

dlu aku kaco imad sbb suruh ajar aku guna wlw. (tak salah aku la) hahahaha.
senior yg bagus. :D

elyana yazmin said...

btol2.imad bgs.adui if die bace.kembang kempis die.hahahah~

Iznie said...


mcm mest jer wlw nie... :)

Iznie said...


elyana yazmin said...

iznie: hehe mmg best pon. nak letak gmbr, video mmg sng.. n nak preview pon cam sng. takyh kt page or tab len. dlm tu gak.nk tukar kaler tulisan so that sesuai ngn blog kite pon cam mudah.try la is sng.hehe

Iznie said...

oh really???

jap nak try... ;)

elyana yazmin said...

hehe gudlark. saye pon maseh nk mempowerkan ni pkai wlw.ki3x~

Dely said...

ha gune pon wlw
ak lak xleh pakai sbb ade conflict ngan template.

anyway da revive blik PharmaArchive
lawat2 la

elyana yazmin said...

wah..senpai..ko mmg terbek la..ki3x..aku byk gak cri buku kt tmpt tu..hihi..sankiu2~~~