The reason of my silence… #macarons

So i was busy helping my mom out with the raya biscuits that people ordered. Don’t have the time to update on the UK trip. The truth is my schedule been packed with several projects of my own..

One of it is MACARONS!

Photo Aug 09, 10 56 09 PM

I tried for the first time and it turns out like this! Flattened macarons or i called it the ‘penyet macarons’

LOL.. hey wait but it does looks good when it first pop up in the oven but after awhile it seems like the feet melted down.. but anyway.. i dont just stop here…

Photo Aug 07, 8 28 26 PM

So i was so freaking stressed-out since the last attempt making this super sweet cookies? biscuits? ahh whatever the name is.. i went out and bought a 500g of almond powder and eggs and tried again a day later.. which is of course today :p

It is not perfect, it looks ugly and the shape of the macarons are just not right.. i dont even know what shape it is but some of it looks ok..

It looks better once i sandwhich the shell of the macarons with vanilla buttercream filling :)

Simple but Delicious! You can actually make them into different flavors and colours and enjoy them! ahhh i cant wait till i master this macaron thingy so that i can eat them up!

Anyway overall below shows everything…

Lazy to talk..

dig in!

Photo Aug 09, 11 15 26 PM

Photo Aug 09, 12 52 23 PM

Photo Aug 09, 2 20 14 PM

Photo Aug 09, 9 58 45 PM

Photo Aug 09, 9 22 55 PM

Photo Aug 09, 9 28 49 PM

Now lets eat them up! super sweet ‘penyet’ macarons!

Photo Aug 09, 9 48 32 PM

Its not perfect but i tried my best and wont give up just yet :)


to buy them it gonna cost me a lot for only like few pieces.. atleast this can satisfy my cravings for macarons for some time !

I love them so much!
