Part One of Summer 2011 in Isle of Wight, UK

DSC02381Wight Link: The ferry that we took to cross from the mainland to Isle of Wight

It was summer 2011 and it was my second time in Isle of Wight and as i expected i' am going to fall in love all over again with this place. It is the largest island in England. It is rich in marine and industrial history from 18th century. They are one of the famous spot back in the early days in boat building, sail making and manufacturing boats. Overall they have lots of interesting places to visit on the island.

In 2008 , when i first visited this island it was to visit Judith and Bernie. Judith is my dad’s cousin. They have lots of cats and i love them so much. Sadly when i visited them again last year in 2011, some of the cats already died. Heartbreaking actually. Anyway you can see few details on Isle of Wight during my last visit here:

Anyway we went there after leaving Great Yarmouth and we took the ferry. While waiting for the ferry we walk around the port. Was thinking to buy some snacks and coffee but i cant since im fasting. So there’s nothing much except that i found something which for its cool because i dont think we have that in Malaysia. Lets have a look at it ya..

DSC02383Vending Machine for Burgers!!

I dont really remember the chronology of the things/places we visited during our stay in Isle of Wight but here are some photos and i am going to just tell what i know according to the photos.

Underwater Archaeology Centre

It is a place that holds the fascinating local maritime heritage and it is surely an attraction for kids. It is suitable for kids cause they can learn and some of the activities they provide to kids are very interactive. They told us about the search and story of unfortunate ships that have been claimed by the seas around the island. Apart from that we learn some tricks or tips for those who works in as maritime archaeologist. For further information click this: here


Some of the stuffs they found in Ship wrecks

DSC02384Replica of how the certain parts inside of the ships looks like

DSC02385Ground work in restoring lost and found ships wreck underwater


DSC02386Notes on excavation processes 


DSC02387Fort Victoria 1855 Plan

So the photos above are some of few photos earlier in the photo album that i took from my camera and i guess i went to this place first after relaxing at Judith’s place. If i am not mistaken it was raining at that time and its late. So after we visit this centre we went back to Judith’s and have dinner. I think so … Nah my brain is not working now LOL.

Anyway, the next entry would be about the visit to God’sHill town, Carisbrooke Castle, The Concert and The Needles. I need to break down the story into few entries cause it is not possible to cramp everything into one entry. They are actually more places to visit on the island but due to time constrain it is not possible to visit all of them. If you are here the next time take your time to visit some of the places on the island ya! :)


You can use tripadvisor to check out cool places all around the world. Below is the link to the attraction in Isle of Wight and feel free to browse through them so that you can see the review and photos of the place ya.

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TheFaceShop; 6th Anniversary Promotion


Amaran kepada jejaka, entry ni macam tidak sesuai untuk korang unless kalau korang ni metroseksual la cam Awal Ashaari or Kim Hyun Joong. Kalau yang perempuan and tambah-tambah lagi yang minat Korea comfirm tau TheFaceShop ni. Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut check out their website ok. Click je sini.

Actually aku bukan la peminat thefaceshop or peminat korea yang fanatik. Zaman aku tengok cerita korea dah lama berakhir, zaman tahun dua degree dulu. Sekarang aku layan cite matsalleh jep.. eh out of topik pulak aku ni.Anyway sekarang TheFaceShop tengah buat sale sampai 4hb November 2012 bersempena 6th anniversary diorang. So bagi aku bila 6 tahun dalam market with good review maybe this product ok la kot kan? kan? kan?. ahahahha

Aku actually tak pernah masuk thefaceshop sampai la kira-kira sebulan yang lepas thefaceshop wat sale. Aku tengah blur and a bit stress tak tahu kenapa masa tu. Mungkin sasau sebab dah habis blaja and i was bored, makanya aku jalan-jalan tunggu sepupu aku nak tengok movie and aku termasuk thefaceshop ni. TERMASUK ok dan bukan sengaja masuk.

So i was wondering around the shop, smart gak kedai ni. Tiba-tiba salesgirl ni maca gila peramah cam cari ape siap masa masuk cakap anneyosayong? betul ke aku eja ni. perghh korea habis. Teringat dekat Mc Donald Sungai : “Welcome to Mc Donald!!!” kahkahkah


Aku cakap la aku sengaja tengok-tengok and the salesgirl cakap takpe tengok la, sekarang ada promotion tau. So aku cam pompuan lain la kan.. what!?? sales? kahkahkah.. sape tak suke barang mahal jadi murah. Cuba habaq mai! ahahaha

So masa tu aku terpedaya dan sangat tengin setelah di pujuk rayu oleh salesgirl (ok bohong sangat la sampai pujuk rayu) untuk beli beberapa mende la. Konon tengah sales kan, jadi rambang mata jap. Yang aku heran pakai ke aku mende-mende alah ni? pencuci muka semua aku ade dah, so ape aku nak beli ni?

Mase tu tangan tengah gatal nak membeli tidak tahu mengapa lately ada je perkara aku nak beli selain makanan. Hormone ke-perempuanan aku tengah tinggi agaknya wakakaka so semua symptom-symptom suke perkara-perkara girly ni membuak-buak. Actually dulu aku ada je rasa nak semua ni tapi aku jenis malas and tak berani pakai cam leceh je. Akibat bosan sangat la kot dah masa tu jadi semua mende nak try.

Last-last aku beli ini…

2012-09-02 23.34.31Herb Day Cleansing Wipes

Salesgirl: Adek pakai make-up tak?

Aku: Tak pakai pon, compact powder je la.


Make-up la tu, actually dik, kalau pakai powder je pon kita kene removes tau, sebab nanti dia akan block pores and jadi blackhead. Kalau pakai wipes ni ok la. Balik dari kelas ke ape sebelum mandi adik remove dulu apa-apa dekat muka dengan wipes ni. Refreshing tau.

Aku: oh yeah? boleh la try. (aku tengah blur and just nak membeli)

Next item…

2012-09-10 10.26.14White-Mud Nose Pack

So basically sebab dia kata boleh jadi blackhead aku pun gedik tanya ade tak mende nosepack tu. Ni aku belajar dari kawan aku masa dekat matrik cewah tapi time tu beli Biore :p Dia pun tunjuk few range line of product untuk black/white head. Aku ingat nak amek New Zealand Volcanic Clay Strips tapi mahal plus ada 7 sheets je, so konon-konon jimat aku amek la yang ini sebab dia cream so boleh pakai more than 7 times and murah la compare to New Zealand Volcanic Clay Strips tu. Kalau nak tengok review pasal New Zealand Volcanic Clay Strips click je sini. Not bad actually just konon nak jimat je time ni :p Actuall aku takde masalah black/white head. White kadang-kadang je la and jarang sgt :p kan kate dah aku saje nak habis duit T_T

So itu masa last month la, baru-baru ni plak aku duk survey tinted sunscreen. Puncanya aku ushar dekat blog HanisZalikha die buat review pasal satu product korea and its online product called Hansaegee. Lepas tu aku pun click la website hansaegee and tengok wow ramai orang malaysia buat review product ni termasuklah si Fatin Liyana . Dekat page Fatin Liyana ni la aku tengok dia review pasal sunscreen tinted ni. Aku cam wow akhirnya jumpa yang murah sikit. Clarins punya RM158 kot pengsan den. Yang Hansaegee ni plak higher SPF lepas tu 60mL RM89.90. Tapi aku ni ada rasa sangsi sikit dengan produk baru and online. Aku akan review gila-gila before beli. Paranoid kan?

So ushar punya ushar, one day baru-baru ni aku jalan dekat thefaceshop and nampak tinted sunscreen harga sama ngan Hansaegee.. RM89.90 but only 50 mL tapi guess what? sebab 6th year anniversary diorang ni aku dapat 20% diskaun and ada offer untuk jadi members for free sebab above RM60. Awesome kan? tapi aku tak beli terus.. as usual paranoid kahkahkah


Lastly aku beli gak two days later after fikir pros and cons and compare dengan product lain. This product is called Natural Sun AQ Power Long-lasting Sun Cream SPF45 PA+++ . It is like sunscreen but its tinted and can act as foundation/ make-up based. But aku tak pakai make-up nape aku nak? Entahlah. Basically aku tengah nak pakai sunscreen sekarang takmau bagi lagi gelap (kahkahkah nak wat cane ehem2 cerah mana boleh, tapi aku takmau whitening effect so better aku lindung je la from sun) Sunblock tak boleh pakai hari-hari and i need sunscreen but i dont like wearing sunscree/sunblock coz your faces jadi putih/kelabu and sangat la oily kadang tu. So that is when aku mula ushar and survey tinted sunscreen.

So far aku dah pakai 2 hari and i love it. Very light and blend dengan kulit. Apart from that my face tak become oily and smooth je rasa. So overall ofcourse la aku love product ni and aku akan stick to it kot. Besides after this since dah jadi member for free dpt 5 percent discount LOL.

Ok la tu je aku nak cite and punye la mula jatuh hati dekat thefaceshop ni aku pon join contest dia. Korang nak masuk tak? tak payah la.. dah tutup dah pon contest tu 28hb hari tu kahkahkah.. booo buwek~

K bye..


p/s: unbelievable aku buat entry gini gaye.. seriously terencat rasa.

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Gorleston Beach, Great Yarmouth, UK

..continuation from previous entry: Summer 2011_Colchester, United Kingdom #UK

So after visiting Uncle Pat and Aunty Beryl  in Colchester we continue our journey to Great Yarmouth the very next day. We plan to visit Uncle Gerry and Aunty Joyce there. I have been to Colchester but i have never been to Great Yarmouth so its kinda exciting at that time to see how the town is. Besides i think i never seen Aunty Joyce and Uncle Gerry before or maybe i met them when i was small. Not sure of that but anyway as we reach their house we start setting up the tent in their garden. Another camping experience for me! Yeay! David help me out with it so its not that hard even though we were struggling at first LOL.

So i was fasting and we cant have early dinner so we chit chat. Aunty Anne helps me and David with our backpacking plan in Europe and we start booking youth hostels and train. After discussing and putting all plans together, me and David agreed to go to Amsterdam and Cologne (Köln). Germany again for me! Yeay! :) Even though it has only been a couple of days i left Germany but i miss it a lot. So i was getting all hype as we booked the train and the accommodation. Thanks to aunty Anne for that.

I can’t really recall what we did the whole afternoon but i do remember walking out with David to a beach. We passed by few houses and streets before we reach the beach.



He show me some of the roads he used to take.  He said the name of the beach is Gorleston beach. There were lots of benches and undercover seating areas. They even have tennis and basket ball courts, children’s playground. They have shops, cafes and amusements park which for me is convenient  for a summer vacation at the beach as everything is close by.

And then later that evening Aunty Joyce decided to bring the dogs out for a walk. Cant remember their names but it was funny how the dog so interested with the cat from a nearby house. Its like they were friend. Amazing. So i was looking at them running around the field and they were really free. (jangan risau aku tau hukum hakam kahkahkah, orang suke judge so better aku warning siap-siap )

And i think after the long walk, we refresh and head out for dinner. Well since im fasting so dinner would me very late at night. Its UK so it is much more longer i guess. Eh i dont remember la sebenarnye LOL. Anyway before we head out to the place for dinner, Uncle Gerry drove us around the area which is further up from great yarmouth but i cant remember the name of the place but here you go some photos of the place we stop by :)







Actually thats not all but i dont feel any urge to take photos cause maybe.. just maybe i know that i will come here again one day. As long my relatives are here in the UK or Europe i think im gonna pay them a visit once in a while and well of course gonna travel elsewhere LOL.

Anyway finally we had dinner, i had sizzling something with prawns. We all had sizzlings/sizzlers. not sure what you call that dish is LOL..

Here is a photo of Aunty Anne and David LOL.. sorry cause you guys had late dinner becoz waiting for me to break fast ..



I guess that was it, a day in Great Yarmouth..

Not much photos as usual LOL.. coming up next Isle of Wight!

I love the Isle of Wight , been there before and was so happy to be there again :) Still remember the pearl necklace that Aunty Judith and Bernie gave me from my last visit .. Pearl and Island cant be separated just kidding.. but seriously the pearls area gorgeous!

till next time!


i know why i didnt take much photos, cause i was saving the space for a place . Hint: Museum, Start with an ‘S’ ends with a bridge LOL.. blue? nah wait for it.. that entry gonna come soon after im done blogging about Isle of Wight and London.

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Summer 2011_Colchester, United Kingdom #UK

So after resting for one day in Brussels, Belgium we begin our journey to the UK. My aunt drove to Calais which is a ferry port located in northern France. It overlooks the strait of Dover which is in England. Special about this place is that you can see the white cliffs of dover of course if it is a clear day. I didnt take any photo on the way to Dover from Calais but i did have old photos that i took back then during my first visit to the UK but at that time it was raining so can’t really capture the photo.

DSC01638White Cliffs of Dover in rainy day (2008)

White_cliffs_of_dover_09_2004Above  is the view if it is a clear day and i took it from Wikipedia

DSC01641Just outside dover port (2008)

So we took this route cause it is nearer to Colchester i presume. Now that im trying to write about this place i regret that i didnt take any photos at that time(2011). Damn. Anyway luckily i still have the old photos. Weird i cant seem to find the entry i wrote few years back about Colchester but i guess i’m gonna put some old photos up cause i didn’t take photos much this time around.

So we already booked B&B near to Uncle Pat and Aunty Beryl’s house. B&B is a bed and breakfast is some of you don’t have a clue what is it. The place is fantastic. My dad and mom stayed there during their visit in 2010.

Here are some of the photos and dont worry its the latest photo :p

DSC02365The Front View

DSC02353The backyard

DSC02357The Vegetables Garden


So that was the B&B, after we rest for awhile we went to Auty Beryl’s house and have dinner. So happy to meet them again after 3 years and ofcourse sadly i didn’t take any photos but i think my aunt did took some with her camera and i dont have it right now. So again im gonna show old photos back in 2008.

DSC01750Uncle Pat and Aunty Beryl (2008)

DSC01711To be frank.. i really both of them hmm..(2008)

DSC01751Pardon my stupid face! LOL (2008)

Lol just realized that i dont  take any pictures in Colchester with my own camera. How sad :(

Colchester is claimed to be the oldest town in Britain and theres nothing much i guess over there compare to London. Well of course you can’t compare both cities duh.. but it is nice and peaceful in Colchester.

p/s: Anyway that was Colchester and yeah i kinda regret that i didnt take an photos but no worries they will always be a next time to it LOL  :p

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First Day of Ramadhan in Brussels, Belgium.

So i was back in Brussels after a month plus in Germany. We reach Brussels late at night and the following day i woke i early. I remembered that my aunt brought me to a flee market in the center (was it the center? not sure, kinda forgot where it is) and we bought some stuffs to bring over to UK the following day. It was my second visit to UK and cant wait to meet up with Uncle Pat and Aunty Beryl again. Last i seen them was in 2007/2008.

It was nice to just walk and enjoy the atmosphere in Brussels that morning. It was the first day of Ramadhan in Europe and it is the first time im gonna perform Ramadhan in Europe (more than 12 hours fasting). So what went on that day was kinda hazy now.. i think im still in a sad mood and was fasting so i cant really recall what actually happen that day but anyway…

lets dig in into the photos at the market:






Its weird cause after that photos i dont have any other photos for that afternoon that day. I was not in the mood to take photos or anything besides i’ve been to brussels before and that area was not new to me. I remembered that i was tired and still sad about leaving Germany the day before and i cant recall what else i did that day. I think we went to a chocolate store as usual, Belgium is famous for their chocolate and that was the first time i saw macarons for the first time with my own eyes and yes i aim to do it. Sorry there are no photos LOL

Anyway kinda lost sense of time and what we actually we did that day and there are no pictures since im not in the mood to take photo but i found some photos about the activity we had that night. Im pretty sure i spend the afternoon packing up some stuffs for UK. I think.No  im not sure what i did. Its like a missing piece of a puzzle now. Well moving on..

So m aunty take me out for ‘buka puasa’ or break-fast and its dinner time. Sweet of them to wait until i can break fast. So i ordered my all time favourite mussels with cellery and onions soup! miss them a lot! yumsss! and thanks to my aunt that for the first time i got to try Lobster! yippy..

So the whole lobster was cut into two and we can ask them to cook both part with different style! how amazing it is! but it cost my aunt like 54euros/lobster and there were 3 lobster on the table that night LOL.

I had a great dinner.Why wouldnt i right?LOL

so here are the photos..

We started of with starters! Mussels! :) well im the only one having the mussels actually, it was a big portion even for starters :p





Let us take a closer view of the mussels, nampak macam Kupang kan? LOL but its delicious !



We both now waiting for our Lobsters!



yummmsss! first half of my lobster ~



we were too busy digging up our lobsters that i forgot to take the other half of the lobster photo LOL..



Finally we can get our heads up away from the lobster but yeah that was like for only few seconds before we turn our head back to the lobsters ahahha


Not much photos cause we were eating and i damn hungry after going more than 12 hourse without drinking or eating ahahha. It was a great end to the first day of Ramadhan europe:)

so finished of with desserts!


So at the end of the day we saw this before we head back home.. snap a photo and we gonna show it to Aunty Joyce in UK the next day :)


thats all for now…

p/s: i know the entry is dry cause i dont feel like writting, just killing time in the lab. Not much i can do today in the lab.. im restless! i need some things to do.. cant wait to play with LCMS next week.

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Auf Wiedersehen Germany!

So after a week spent in Stuttgart and Munich i need to go back to Stadtoldendorf for like a 1week ++ and finish off my SEP there before heading back to Brussels.

It was sad to leave Germany and i had such a great time there. It was not easy to leave the family i stayed with for the past 1month++ and not to mention i already missing some of my friends that i met during NSP.

Gosh i love Germany so much that i feel like dont wanna go back to Malaysia. Ok im exaggerating now but yes i am really sad at that time T_T

My aunt pick me up from Stadtoldendorf and drove back to Brussels. On the way back we stop by at Düsseldorf but not much i can tell you guys about this place but there you go the photos..

The first photo actually a unique way how the german people have their happy times together; cycling and drinking beer.



Above is denisse and me..

told you there is nothing much, actually im kinda in a sad mood so dont really bother about other place.. Im just sad cause i need to leave germany so nothing else matters. LOL

So as i reach Belgium i just sleep like a baby and need to recharge cause Ramadhan was around the corner at that time. And i need to stay fit :p

Even its already been a year, writing this entry now and remembering the details of my last day in Germany already making me sad.

Now i dont feel like writing.. I guess its not a good entry to write on as i was just about to start writing again after so long abandoning this blog.

p/s: But it was not actually my last day in Germany cause two weeks after i left germany, i went back there but to Koln/Cologne but still i still miss my friends in germany and the family i live with while i was there for a months plus.

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